The Rosaries of the Multiplication

My little dears who pray the Holy Rosary in response to My invitations to intercede for your brothers, thank you for your efforts made for the coming Kingdom of God on Earth. You are my little ones, my dears, and I come today to teach you to pray in the most fruitful way for the glory of God, for the good of humanity and yours.

You are littles and remember that the Kingdom opens its doors to the little ones, for this reason I invite you to grow in faith. Observe the children: they can imagine also what they don’t see; they know how to use fantasy that, ultimately, is a gift from God.

So you too, when you pray use all faculties that our Lord has enriched you. Use your imagination to pray, because the desire is a real thing that produces reality, even if it remains hidden from your eyes.

You can pray Rosaries of Multiplication, it’s very easy. With the desire and with your imagination you can reach the church, in front of the Tabernacle, or in all places sanctified by Apparitions, or where a prayer-meeting is taking place.

Reach the Heaven, who is in the centre of your heart, where God has placed His Home and also where all paradise stays. There pray your Rosary. But it would be extremely incorrect and improper if you pray alone, so humbly, beg to your Brothers and Sisters of Heaven to pray all together in a community prayer. Remember that angels and saints have always time, because they don’t have your human limitations and they will be happy to join you in prayer. Can you count them? They are myriads of myriads and they’re waiting for your call. God is the God of all and I am the Queen of Heaven and Earth and with the greatest joy, your Brothers and Sisters of Heaven, want to join your prayers, to glorify God, to honour Me and to intercede for all those who are still pilgrims on Earth, if you want it. So ask and it will be given to you and believe even if you don’t see. Just ask to join your prayers with the pilgrim Church and the purgative Church. Do you believe in the Mystical Body? If you believe, please join it.

A man and a woman have in themselves the life, but only from their merge is originated the fruitfulness. Something similar happens even for the prayer: it’s the merge that multiplies the fecundity.

Do you understand how is easy to pray the Multiplication Rosaries? And how easy is to believe in this merge that will bring in your heart a lot of joy, because the prayer is also a source of joy. Meditate with your Brothers and Sisters of Heaven, the Mysteries of the Rosary, contemplate the God’s Goodness and rejoice in Him. I know you’re feeling miserable, but you must not be ashamed. You know that Heaven appreciates the children’s prayer, and how more it’s stammered, how more moves the Compassionate Heart of God. Pray as you are capable, putting the effort on which you are capable, then don’t stay to observe and judge what you have done. Only God is the Judge and He is Merciful. He knows how it’s easy for you to be distracted , so when you think and believe to be in His Presence and in the Presence of all Paradise, you will be more helped to be concentrated  in the prayer. Try to imagine: the first part of Our Father, Hail Mary and Glory in one piece are prayed by all the Saints and Angels, while the second part of the Our Father, Hail Mary and Glory in one piece are also prayed by all who are on Earth; two choruses, in a merge of love, because the true pray is love and sharing, gift and intercession. And remember that you are NEVER alone!

Praise God and pray for My intentions joining yours too.

I love you with Infinite Maternal Love and I bless you


Holy Mary, Queen of Heaven and Earth