28.02.2017 Corrections in family

My dears, today I come to you with a little teaching.

The tendency to egocentricity is a bad inclination inherited by all, as live from birth. It’s necessary to recognise to be affected by this and it can be considered like a human and spiritual disease, that hinders the attainment of maturity as person. It’s essential that each of us exercise, with constancy and on himself, a strategy of correction in order to find a psychological and spiritual well-being and this will be possible only asking humbly the help of  God, that always hears those who turn to Him with the right intention.

Therefore, starting from the premise that first of all you must correct yourself, after is necessary to apply the corrections to others.

The parents have the duty to discipline their sons in their defects or excesses, in order to prepare them for adult life and this isn’t an easy task. First of all both parents should be in agreement to set up and exercise an unique method of education, it should not be too severe, but even not too accommodating.

The sons need a secure guide, through  which they fell protected  and encouraged to good. They need rules to follow in order to understand when they do good and when they do evil and they also are in need of punishment when they’re wrong.

It’s necessary to encourage them to do good, to have esteem of themselves and to reward their efforts. It’s take a lot of love to exercise the correction but also it’s necessary firmness that excludes any compromise. Wise parents take any decisions of the little son, giving the right reasons, so that the son becomes accustomed to obey and he understands the logic of his submission: parents prepare the son to the mature life and he must collaborate giving his best and accepting humbly the limits that are imposed to him.

Parent need to know very well their sons in order to discover their talents, to teach to use their talents and it’s necessary that they must ask with perseverance the help of God to make them grow in the best way. After, when the sons are adults, parents must respect their choices of life, accompanying them with prayer, giving always the good example and the advices if requested.

I remember you that the primary objective of all is humility, because the earthly life is prelude of eternal life. The egocentrism correction, which is not done by us, will still have to be made. If parents don’t teach to become humble, they will be humiliated by life itself and perhaps with greater suffering. This is for all: those who don’t become humble, will still be humiliated, because humility is necessary for a good approach to the future life. But every corrections, for yourself or for the others, should be done with charity.

Often is necessary that adult sons must correct their old parents.This is a very painful task but necessary, mainly for their own good and also for the good of the family. Seniors may not have reached the wisdom of life that makes them meek and humble. There are seniors selfish and despotic that claim everything: they put to hard test, those who have the duty to assist them. Also in these cases, it’s necessary the exercise of the correction that must be done for the good of them and of all the family.

Also for senior, who live the last phase of their lives, is a priority to get a good degree of humility, without which they will not reach the eternal bliss. The sons who assist them, are invited to collaborate with God in order to turn off the excess of selfishness of their loved ones. Don’t believe that is always good to satisfy all the requests of those you love! It isn’t so, on the contrary, sometimes is an evil that you can do inadvertently.

In conclusion: the first correction of the egoism is what to do for ourselves. The correction of the others will be effective it must be accompanied by a humble prayer to the Good God, in order to collaborate with Him, doing His Will. The Lord will guide you to do to the others as you would have them do to you and He always ask you to give the right example, asking through the consciousness of those who want to see, and this becomes a very efficient  method of correction.

Pray without stopping in order to be instruments of the Lord, Who wants the Good of all.

I love you and I bless you together with Saint Joseph.


Mary, Queen of Heaven and earth