New Message – the present cross and the future glory 11.03.2017

My little dears,

 Many of you are in trouble under the weight of the cross and they doubt of the Love of God, but I urge you to never doubt and you must believe that He brings with you, your cross.

How you can doubt about the Love of God? Look at Jesus, the beloved Son of God Father; you have to contemplate the Crucifix and in Him you find the answers that you are looking for. If, in fact, God proposed to His beloved Son the painful and glorious Cross, didn’t He prove, even in this His Will, His immense Love? Yes, I say you, because it was the Love of the Father, to establish Jesus Redeemer of the world, through the Cross. Jesus accepted with humble Love the Gift of the Father, that’s the Divine Project on Him and He was obedient unto death on the Cross, to be after exalted at the right time.

Similarly, you too – everyone in his part – live under the weight of the cross, but, I repeat you, it’s a cross of pain and of glory, always remembering you that there’s time for everything and that the Wisdom of God is indisputable in His Prime. The Gift (the Cross) must be received with love, lived and offered with love to Him Who has the power to transform the pain in salvation and glory.

Yes, the cross is very precious because, engaged in Cross of Christ, it produces fruits of eternal life: it saves and gives glory to all those who bear it, fulfilling the Divine Will. Sometimes you observe that some have much heavier crosses than others and you wonder why. God knows perfectly all His sons and therefore He knows their answer to the call to holiness and to glory. Here, one of the reasons why you see differences: to those who accept to fulfil the glorious Project that God has designed, when He called to life, He accomplishes His Will giving the cross that He had thought. In others, that give a partial response, the Good God realises partially His glorious Project.

Those who have a much heavier cross than others is for the love of predilection of the Heavenly Father and they must thank Him to have received the grace to fully accept  the Gift, because after they will be glorified in Jesus Christ. In fact, the gifts can be received, refused or partially received, according to your choice.

But consider that there are also pains caused by atonement of your sins and sin is itself a rejection of God’s Grace. There are also different rules for everyone, so that, the Lord fulfils with all Perfection His Universal Plan and this is an other reason why the crosses are different, but everyone receive from God a grace proportionate to the weight of its cross. God loves everyone immensely and He doesn’t make differences of person. Never judge because it doesn’t concern you, better if you help one another in all the ways that you can. Be cyrenians each other, to be cyrenians of Jesus.

In the passing of the days, there are temptations and in these moments in which discouragement and rebellion would overwhelm, ask help of Heaven to be saved. God always saves and specially in the time of trouble because God loves you. Live your life, engaging yourself in the conversion to God and run away from the worldly and deceitful mentality that can’t know the Ways of the Lord. Be deeply committed  christians and fight the good fight of faith.

Pray for all those who suffer and groan under the weight of the cross: pray for those who believe and, especially, for those who don’t believe. The trouble is a special occasion to give good testimony that invites people to turn to your Saviour and of everyone.

I love you together with Saint Joseph and I bless you.


Mary, Queen of Heaven and earth.